Last szene is done! tanto amor 0.0

Imyours_ is travelling as part of the “Das Denkmal ist…” exhibition by Marlene Oeken and Martha Schwindling through different german cities this summer. After Frankfurt, Karlsruhe and Nürnberg now from 7.-25.8. in Hannover!
in the middle of shooting ^+**
commissioned for the exhibition “Das Denkmal ist…”, by Stiftung Friedliche Revolution Leipzig.
our bigbig exhibition @ACC Gallerie Weimar is coming up!
inaguration 26th of May 8pm with opening words by Bjørn Melhus
Cameras on supersonic, a film of rare ups and downs: TOP GUN: MAVERICK is the second film since the beginning of the corona pandemic which made billions in sales. Shortly after Russia attacked Ukraine, the Cannes Film Festival flew fighter jets on the occasion of the world premiere of the film and celebrated Tom Cruise as a megastar. Since then, criticism has been divided between euphoria, irony and a frontal attack. The film offers the launch pad for a discussion with filmmaker Clara Winter, film scholar Prof. Dr. Marcus Stiglegger, film critics Dennis Vetter and you on big and oversized cinema, on vain boys and queerness, uniforms, synths and remakes – and of course on speed.
1.11.2022 Cinémathèque Leipzig
Mittwoch, 07.07.2021, 20:00 – 22:00 UhrMotorenhalle – Wachsbleichstraße 4a, 01067 Dresden
Der Rostocker Frauenkulturverein die Beginen zeigt heute “ExplorerIn 2009” im Rahmen ihres Programms zum Kurzfilmtag.
Und die A.G. Kurzfilm präsentiert das Programm Kurz.Film.Tour. – Spuren der Zeit mit “Wir sprechen heute noch Deutsch” noch bis 31.12.2020.
Werkleitz presents WIR SPRECHEN HEUTE NOCH DEUTSCH from 1.-31.12.2020 in Videorama Schaufenster and online
Das Best off Programm läuft noch auf der Pferderennbahn und im Luru Kino.
15.7. Goethe Institut Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
14.7.+22.7. Goethe Institut Zypern (Nikosia)
3.+10.9. Goethe Institut Tansania
t.a. Goethe Institut Bangalore
The emerging artists tour is coming to an end.
This march still in serbia!
Video instalation at Doc Fest Kassel
Kurzüchtigfestival Leipzig 6.4.2019
Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (Best off 2018)
Medienhaus Hannover
Skopje tba
Molodist Filmfestival Kiew
“Postcolonialism in 30 sqm” as part of
Discourse on Europe 2: The Era of Rage – Heinous Homeland
The term invectivity refers to all aspects of communication intended to expose and insult – regardless of whether they are verbal, written or visual. Films are able to fathom the limits of what may be borne or expressed. With its focus on invectivity, the question is being posed here once more about the power and function of the film medium for (democratic) society.
In cooperation with the Collaborative Research Centre 1285 “Invectivity. Constellations and Dynamics of disparagement” of TU Technical University Dresden
Komunales Kino Freiburg
Weltecho, Chemnitz
Pixfilm Gallery, Toronto
together with THE DEVINE WAY by Ilaria Di Carlo, UMBRA by Florian Fischer and Johannes Krell, THREE CASUALTIES by Jens Pecho, FOSFENO by David Gómez Alzate, EINE KNEIPE AUF MALLE by Marian Mayland
Beyond Beach im Internationaler Wettbewerb 2
“Beyond Beach” was the opening movie of the opening movie “ROMA”.
Thanks for bringing the movie back to where it was shot.